Elena Stelzer (née Metzger)

Mrs. Stelzer (née Metzger) has been admitted to the bar since 2013 and has been a specialist lawyer for criminal law since 2018.
She has been working in commercial criminal law since 2014. Previously, she worked at a commercial law firm in Munich, focusing on the area of general commercial law as a contact person of the Russian desk. She represents individuals and companies in the areas of general criminal law, commercial and tax criminal law. Mrs. Stelzer advises her clients in German, Russian and English.

Admitted to the Bar: 2013

Specialist Criminal Lawyer


E: elena.stelzer@pfordtebosbach.de
T: +49 (0)89 32 19 97 – 102

Personal contact form

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Member of “Deutscher Anwaltverein e.V.”
Member of “Arbeitsgemeinschaft Strafrecht des Deutschen Anwaltvereins e.V.”

Specialist Criminal Lawyer

Languages: German, English, Russian


T: +49 (0)89 32 19 97 – 102
F: +49 (0)89 32 19 97 – 100

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