Dr. Jens Bosbach

Attorney-at-law Dr. Jens Bosbach trained as a banker in Cologne and subsequently studied law at the universities of Cologne, Lausanne, Bonn and Munich. Since 2004 he is working as an attorney-at-law in the areas of commercial and criminal tax law and as a specialist criminal lawyer since 2007. He completed his doctoral thesis in 2008 for which he was awarded the “Excellent Doctoral Thesis Award” by the Munich Bar Association in cooperation with the University of Munich. Since 2014 Dr. Bosbach also is a specialist lawyer for tax law.

He is founding Partner of the law firm. He primarily represents individuals and companies in matters of commercial and criminal tax law and in particular also in the area of labour criminal law. He has many years of experience both in preventive counselling as well as in defending individuals. Since 2013 he can also be found on the list of selected criminal lawyers of the magazine FOCUS. He is regularly consulted for expert opinions. In the JUVE handbook “Business Law Firms”, colleagues and competitors describe him as “excellent in complex matters” (2013), “innovative, team-minded” (2013), “assertive” (2015) and “highly qualified and pleasant” (2015).

Admitted to the Bar: 2004

Specialist Criminal Lawyer and specialist Tax lawyer

E: jens.bosbach@pfordtebosbach.de
T: +49 (0)89 32 19 97 – 102

Personal contact form

14 + 8 =

  • Comment on the Ruling of the OLG Dresden of 14.03.2006 (- 3 Ws 12/06) on the subject: Voraussetzung einer kriminellen Vereinigung und Kompetenzanordnung in Haftsachen vor Anklageerhebung (Conditions of a criminal organisation and jurisdiction in cases of detention prior to indictment) in StV 2006, 701
  • Comment on the ruling of the German Constitutional Court of 18.07.2005 (- 2 BvR 2236/04 – “Europäisches Haftbefehlsgesetz”) (European Act of Arrest Warrants) in NStZ 2006, 104 ff.
  • “Strafrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit für Hyperlinks und verlinkte Inhalte im Internet”,
  • (Criminal liability for Hyperlinks and linked content in the Internet), article co-authored with Attorney-at-Law and Criminal Lawyer Thilo Pfordte in: Communications & Law (Betriebs-Berater für Medien, Telekommunikation und Multimedia), Special supplement 1/2006 in the February 2006 issue.
  • Gesamtes Strafrecht, (Complete Criminal Code) StGB, StPO, ancillary laws, Handkommentar (edited by: Dieter Dölling, Gunnar Duttge, Dieter Rössner), 4th edition,
  • Author of annotations to §§ 1 – 47 StPO, §§ 46 – 49d, 51 – 52 OWiG, Nomos-Verlag, Baden Baden, 2017.
  • “Ungeschriebene strafprozessuale Zeugnisverweigerungsrechte im Bereich der Rechtsberatung? – Eine Betrachtung aus Sicht des Mandanten von Attorney-at-Law, Zeugenbeistand und Strafverteidiger”, (Unwritten judicial right of refusal to give evidence in the area of legal consulting? – An observation from the standpoint of clients, witness advisers, and criminal defence lawyers.) Dissertation from the University of Passau, Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 2008 (ISBN: 978 – 3 – 631 – 58816 – 1).
  • “Ungeschriebene strafprozessuale Zeugnisverweigerungsrechte im Verhältnis zwischen Strafverteidiger und Mandant nach rechtskräftigem Abschluss des Verfahrens gegen den Mandanten?” – (Unwritten, judicial right of refusal to give evidence in the relationship between defence counsel and client in the wake of binding conclusion court ruling against the client?) – at the same time a discussion of the OLG Coblenz – 2 Ws 618, 620/07 and BVerfG – 2 BvR 112/08 -; NStZ 2009, S. 177 ff.
  • Beck-Online forms (edited by: Norman Doukoff and Dr. Frank Baumann): Online-forms relating to Criminal Procedural Law, Co-authored by Attorney-at-Law Thilo Pfordte.
  • “Praxistipp – Verhaltensregeln bei Durchsuchungen durch Staatsanwaltschaft und Steuerfahndung in den eigenen Praxisräumen”; (Practice tip – rules of conduct during a search conducted in one’s own practice by the prosecution and tax inspection authorities); dental:spiegel, Issue 10 (October 2009), page 20 f.
  • “Ein Rabatt für den Privatpatienten – oder: Der Wolf im Schafspelz”; (A discount for private patients – or: the wolf in sheep’s clothing); dental:spiegel, Issue 6/7 (2010).
  • “Unzureichende Patientendokumentation im privatärztlichen Bereich = Abrechnungsbetrug zum Nachteil des Patienten?” (Insufficient patient documentation in the private medical sector = accounting fraud to the patients’ disadvantage?) – Observration in four parts; dental:spiegel, part 1 in issue 10 (2010), part 2 in issue 11/12 (2010), part 3 in issue 1/2 (2011).
  • Comment on the ruling of the Federal Supreme Court of 27. August 2010 (Az.: 2 StR 111/09; vgl. also WM 2010, 1957) on “Untreue bei Bildung einer schwarzen Kasse durch den GmbH-Geschäftsführer/das alleinige vertretungsberechtigte AG-Vorstandsmitglied” (Fraud in the creation of a slush fund by the company managing director/sole authorised representative and corporation board member) (Case “Trienekens”) in WuB IX. § 266 StGB 1.11 (March 2011). Further information under http://www.wmrecht.de
  • “Der Verteidiger als Zeuge”, (The Defence Counsel as Witness) StraFo 2011, P. 72; at the same time an illumination of the BGH rulings of 12.9.2007 – 5 StR 257/07 and 24.11.2009 – 1 StR 520/09. Further information under http://www.strafo-online.de

Excellent Doctoral Thesis Award by the Munich Bar Association 2008 (in cooperation with the University of Munich)

Member of the working group criminal law of DAV

Member of the commercial criminal law association wist e.V.

Lay judge as member of the lawyer’s court for the district of the Munich Bar Association

Specialist Criminal Lawyer
Specialist Tax Lawyer

Languages: German, English


T: +49 (0)89 32 19 97 – 102
F: +49 (0)89 32 19 97 – 100

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