Thilo Pfordte LL. M.

Attorney-at-Law Thilo Pfordte, LL.M. is a founding member of the legal partnership company. He studied at the universities of Bonn and Munich and has been an Attorney-at-Law for more than 25 years, for 20 of which he has specialised in Criminal Law.

Apart from his legal representation of individuals or companies, he is also dedicated to the training of young judicial talent. Thus, he is Head of the German Institute of Criminal Law, in the German Institute of Attorneys e.V. (the education and further training institution of the Federal Bar Association, Federal Council of Notaries), as well as Assistant Professor at the University of Economics and Environment Nürtingen-Geislingen. In addition, he has been a long-term guest lecturer on criminal training for interns, as well as lecturing on behalf of the Federal Bar Association, regional bar associations, the Police Training Academy, the Police Academy of Baden-Württemberg and the German Academy of Judges.

Since 2009, he has been consistently listed as one of Germany’s best commercial criminal lawyers, compiled by the journal Handelsblatt together with the US publisher Best Lawyers ( Focus magazine likewise included him on the list “Top Criminal Lawyers 2013“ of frequently, highly-recommended attorneys, based on the results of an external survey of professional colleagues and clients. In the JUVE manual “Corporate Law Firms“, he is described by colleagues and competitors alike as ”highly professional and personally top“.

Attorney-at-Law Pfordte is member of the Working Group: Strafrecht des Deutschen Anwaltsvereins (Criminal Law of the German Law Association) and author of numerous publications, (see below).Thilo Pfordte, LL.M. is a founding partner of Brehm & v. Moers.

Admitted to the Bar: 1987

Specialist Attorney for Criminal Law


T: +49 (0)89 32 19 97 – 101

Personal contact form

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  • “Die Schweigepflicht von Mitarbeitern einer Anwaltskanzlei im Lichte der neuen Berufsordnung” (Confidentiality of employees of a legal practice in the light of the new professional code) in: BRAK-Mitt. 1997, 82 ff, together with Markus Gotzens
  • “Anwaltshonorar und Geldwäsche”, (Lawyers Fees and Money-Laundering) 2003
  • “Gedanken zur Protokollierungspflicht im Strafverfahren” (The Duty of Recording in Criminal Proceedings) in: Festschrift 50 Jahre Deutsches Anwaltsinstitut e.V.
  • publisher: Federal Bar Association, Federal Notary Association, 2003
  • “Der Anwalt im Strafrecht”, (The Attorney in Criminal Law), together with Attorney-at-Law RA and criminal lawyer Karl Degenhard, Nomos Verlag, 2005
  • “Die Station in Strafsachen”, (The Stations in Criminal Cases), basic course for trainee lawyers, Co-author, 8th edition, C. H. Beck, 2011
  • “Strafrechtliche Verantwortlichkeit für Hyperlinks und verlinkte Inhalte im Internet”,
  • (Criminal accountability for hyperlinks and linked content in the Internet),
  • co-written with Attorney-at-Law Jens Bosbach in Kommunikation & Recht (Betriebs-Berater for media, telecommunications and multimedia), special supplement 1/2006, issue: February 2006.
  • Comment to the ruling of the Munich Supreme Court of 12.11.2007 (Az.: 2 Ws 942/07; Weitere Beschwerde bei Anordnung des dinglichen Arrests (Further objections to the order of seizure); published in StV 2008, 243 f.
  • Gesamtes Strafrecht, (The Complete Criminal Code) StGB, StPO, ancillary laws, Handkommentar (edited by Dieter Dölling, Gunnar Duttge, Dieter Rössner), 4th edition; author of comments on §§ 151 – 157 StPO, § 398 AO, §§ 45, 47 JGG, Nomos-Verlag, Baden Baden, 2017.
  • “Verteidigungsinteressen im Zwiespalt zwischen Beschleunigungsgrundsatz und der unvollständigen Beweislage zu Beginn der Hauptverhandlung” (Defence interests in conflict– between the principle of urgency and incomplete evidence at the beginning of the trial) in: Criminal Defence, Appeals and the entire Science of Criminal Law, Festschrift for Gunter Widmaier’s 70th birthday (Edited by: Heinz Schöch, Helmut Satzger, Gerhard Schäfer, Alexander Ignor, Christoph Knauer), 2008.
  • Critique to “Gewinnabschöpfung im Strafverfahren” (Skimming off excess profits in criminal prosecutions) by Gerhard Janssen, StV 2008, P. 558 f.
  • “Der informierte Zeuge im Strafverfahren – einige Gedanken über das wichtigste Beweismittel der StPO” (The informed witness in criminal proceedings – thoughts on key evidence according to the Criminal Code) in: Festschrift for Egon Müller’s 70th birthday (Edited by: Heike Jung, Bernd Luxenburger, Eberhard Wahle), 2008.
  • “Steuerstrafrecht und Steuerstrafverfahren, Strategien und Praxis der Steuerstraf-verteidigung”, (The criminal tax code and criminal tax proceedings, strategies and practice of criminal tax defence), co-author, edited by: Peter Haas, Ulrike Müller, Gabler Verlag, 2009.
  • “Outsourcing of Investigations?” – Anwaltskanzleien als Ermittlungsgehilfen der Staatsanwaltschaft”, (Law firms aiding prosecutor’s investigations),
  • Festschrift of the Criminal Law Working Group of the German Bar Assoc. (also editors), Nomos Verlag, 2009.
  • “Insolvency Law and the Criminal Code – a simultaneous comment to BGH Ruling. of 05.06.2008 – IX ZR 17/07 -“, StV 2010, Pages 591 – 597.
  • “Sockelverteidigung”, (Collaborative Defence) Munich Legal Criminal Defence Manual, co-author/editors: Gunter Widmaier/Eckhart Müller/Reinhold Schlothauer, 2nd edition 2014, C.H. Beck, Munich.
  • „Strafrecht und Insolvenzrecht: Was wird aus der Strafvollstreckung nach der insolvenzrechtlichen Anfechtung?” – also comment to judgement of national court from 10.07.2014 – IX ZR 280/13, StV 2015, 443; StV 2015, S. 452.
  • “Vorermittlungen und Verdachtsgrade”, StraFo 2016, S. 53 ff.
  • Wirtschafts- und Steuerstrafrecht, Kommentar (Herausgeber: Werner Leitner, Henning Rosenau), 1. Auflage 2017, Autor für die Kommentierung der Insolvenzstraftaten und Bankrottdelikte zusammen mit Dr. Christian Sering, Nomos-Verlag, Baden-Baden, 2017

Director of the Institute for Criminal Law at the Deutsches Anwaltsinstitut e.V. (German Lawyers Institute)

Lecturer at the Academy of Economics and Environment, Nürtingen-Geislingen

Longstanding guest professor for criminal lawyer training (OLG München)

Extensive activity as lecturer in specialist courses revolving around Criminal Law and Traffic Violations, as well as individual events held by the German Lawyers Institute.

Further lecturing activities for the Bar associations of Bamberg. Dusseldorf, Kiel, Coblenz and Munich, the Training Academy of the Bavarian Police, the Baden-Württemberg Police Academy, and the German Academy of Judges.

Since 2009, continually included (again in 2015 and 2016) in the list of Germany’s top corporate criminal lawyers, compiled by the Handelsblatt in cooperation with the US publisher Best Lawyers (

Member of the Criminal Law Working Group of the German Lawyers Institute.

Thilo Pfordte LL.M.


T.: 089-321 997 101

F.: 089-321 997 100

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